Smart Freeway Mitchell Southbound Project (Hester Avenue to Warwick Road) Sod Turning

A sod turning ceremony was held on 16 May by the Western Australian State Government to mark the commencement of 3 separate projects that will transform the Mitchell Freeway.
Western Australia’s Premier, Hon Mark McGowan and Minister for Transport, Hon Rita Saffioti, were joined by H2H Joint Venture representatives Will Grobler, WBHO Infrastructure‘ Executive General Manager and Ric Buratto, Executive General Manager, NRW Civil & Mining.
Federal Minister for Communications, Urban Infrastructure, Cities and the Arts, Paul Fletcher, commented: “This significant upgrade of the Mitchell Freeway will increase connectivity, improve journey reliability and help alleviate local road capacity issues for commuters.”
As part of the Smart Freeway Mitchell Southbound Project (Hester Avenue to Warwick Road), H2H Joint Venture will install coordinated ramp signals, associated civil works and smart technologies from Hester Avenue to Warwick Road. This project will also widen the Mitchell Freeway southbound to three lanes between Hodges Drive to Hepburn Avenue, construct an extra lane from Hepburn Avenue entry ramp to Warwick Road exit ramp, install new safety barriers and construct new or upgrade shared paths between Ocean Reef Road to Warwick Station.