Project Delivery
WBHO delivers key mine site infrastructure at Alcoa’s Larego Mine Site

WBHO Infrastructure are proud to be part of Alcoa’s Willowdale Bauxite Mine Project that involved relocation of the Orion bauxite mine infrastructure to the new Larego mine site. As part of the project, we delivered:
- Larego ROM Wall, a 228m in length and 16m high precast Mechanically Stabilized Earth retaining wall, and all the permanent crusher concrete infrastructure including foundations, tip area and deadman anchors.
- Larego Multi Plate Steel Arch Tunnel at existing public Driver Road intersecting Ajana Haul Road, 57M in length and 7M internal span, and associated Mine Haul Road civil works.
- HV fuel facility concrete works for the new mine.
The ROM Wall and Steel Arch Tunnel packages were performed through a Design and Construct contract model. The construction area for the projects was undertaken in an environmentally and ecologically sensitive area.
Alcoa commented, “An extraordinary amount of planning, execution and teamwork is needed, particularly when part of the job is moving an 850-tonne crusher 16 kilometres.”
Congratulations to all of our team involved with this once in 20-year project for Alcoa.