Gidji II East Cell, Gidji II West Cell Construction of various TSFs
WBHO-I completed the construction of Gidji II East Cell in 2012. The project involved the construction of a lined tailing of in situ clay materials and the installation of a HDPE liner over the approximately 8 Ha site. An overliner drainage system was also installed above the liner before placement of a sand layer and subsequent compacted tailings layer. General earthworks totalled 26.5ha and 450,000m3 over the TSF East Cell and Storage Ponds bulk earthworks.
Despite the numerous delays caused by weather events, WBHO-I managed to complete the project ahead of the revised timeframe.
Project Information
- Client
KCGM - Sector
Resources - Value
22.5m - Location
Goldfields, Western Australia - Contract Model
Construct - Completion Date
Following the successful construction of the East Cell, WBHO-I were awarded the construction of the West Cell. This project involved the construction of two earth embankments to tie into the existing tailings facility to the south and the previously constructed East Cell. Once completed, the entire dam was lined with HDPE (approximately 60,000m2) and an over liner drainage system constructed.
In 2015 WBHO-I returned to undertake Gidji II West Cell Raise No. 1, successfully delivering the construction, testing and commissioning of the works.
WBHO-I returned in 2018 to deliver the Gidji II East 6m Raise to RL360. Part-way through this scope, it was determined that the West Cell currently used for deposition was nearing capacity quicker than anticipated. After successful completion of the East Cell two months early, in time for deposition, WBHO-I progressed to commence construction of the Gidji II West 6m raise to RL360.