Ellerton Drive Extension
The Ellerton Drive Extension connects Queanbeyan East with Karabar at the Edwin Land Parkway intersection with Old Cooma Road. The project includes a 184-metre bridge that was incrementally launched to stand 22m metres above the Queanbeyan River and a 4.6km road upgrades to provide an alternative route around the Queanbeyan CBD to the new southern population growth areas.

Project Information
- Client
Transport for NSW - Sector
Transport - Value
70m - Location
Queanbeyan, NSW - Contract Model
Construct - Completion Date
Incremental Bridge Launch
The 184m bridge was incrementally launched in 9 segments from the northern side of the river to the southern side. This construction design and methodology was adopted to reduce impact on the environment and nearby residents during construction.Environmentally friendly approach to the construction of the traffic bridge being built over the Queanbeyan River minimised impacts on local platypuses during construction. Permanent protection, in the form of large rocks, were installed around the bridge piers to provide platypuses with a safe place within the Queanbeyan River. The Bridge can withstand a one-in-100-year flood event.
Project Characteristics
- 4 km extension of Ellerton Drive to a two, three and four-lane road including slip lanes and upgrades to intersecting streets.
- 5 km upgrade of Ellerton Drive.
- One lane in each direction with climbing lanes
- Shared on-road and off-road cyclist and pedestrian pathway
- Additional access points for Fairlane Estate
- Emergency access for Greenleigh Estate at Lonergan Drive and the East Queanbeyan reservoir
- Construction of storm water drainage systems
- Three fauna under-passes and three rope crossings
- Intersection upgrade at Edwin Land Parkway