Marmion Avenue, Hepburn Avenue & Whitfords Avenue Upgrade
Construction of additional left and right turning lanes, upgrades to existing lighting, new bicycle lanes and pedestrian paths, extension and upgrade of Pedestrian Underpass 9062, landscaping and other ancillary works.
Project Information
- Client
Main Roads WA - Sector
Transport - Value
9m - Location
Perth, Western Australia - Contract Model
Construct - Completion Date
Pavements used were limestone seal and deep-lift asphalt to accommodate high volumes of traffic and heavy vehicle use traffic. WBHO-I completed the works two months early and under budget, in a heavy live traffic environment achieving zero lane closures during peak periods, all traffic KPIs met, zero LTIs and zero complaints from residents, road users and businesses.
Community and StakeholdersĀ
Towards the end of the project, it was necessary to close intersections in their entirety to complete resurfacing works. By implementing full closures rather than prolonged partial closures on these intersections, WBHO reduced the quantity of detours through local roads and reduced the duration of noise hindrance on residents.