
Client: Main Roads WA
Road and Bridge

Great Northern Highway Muchea North

Construction of 3.5 km of dual carriageway (linking up with the NorthLink WA project at Muchea) and 8.5 km of new wider single carriageway through to the Chittering Roadhouse.

Project Information
  • Client
    Main Roads WA
  • Sector
  • Value
  • Location
    Muchea (Perth), Western Australia
  • Contract Model
    Design and Construct
  • Completion Date
    2016 - 2018

The project also included the realignment of intersections at Old Gingin Road, Reserve Road, Wandena Road, Maddern South Road and Sugar Gum Drive. The existing highway will be used as local access roads to avoid future congestion and provide safer access points to the highway.

Aboriginal Engagement

Strong focus on Aboriginal Participation on the project to support Indigenous Procurement Policy targets. Innovative partnering model established with Aboriginal businesses to improve on mandatory targets.


Earthworks: Clearing of approximately 50ha of native vegetation with strict controls to prevent over-clearing. Topsoil and mulch stripping and conservation for re-use in landscaping works. Approximately 500,000m3 of local cut to fill on the new alignment. Cuts up to 8m deep and fills up to 6m high. Large landscaping component with some 50Ha of new planting.

Drainage: Approximately 2.5km of new culverts from 375mm diameter to 1500mm diameter plus box culverts up to 1200x1200mm. Construction of reinforced concrete headwalls and installation of precast headwalls. Scour protection works, surface drains and swales.

Pavements: Construction of approximately 750,000m2 of sub-base and basecourse. Pavements include 12km of main carriageway plus 8km of side roads and access driveways.

Surfacing: Surfacing comprised two-coat bituminous seal with a small section of DGA wearing course.

Traffic management: Approximately 4,000 vehicles per day (25% heavy vehicles) on Great Northern Highway with no reasonable alternative routes. High wide load route from Perth to the Pilbara. Traffic management included lane closures, reverse flow provision, short and long-term setups, construction of sealed temporary side-tracks.

Utilities: Liaison with service providers for relocations of approx. 8km of overhead HV distribution lines and 16km of fibre and copper communications cables.
