
Client: South 32
Earthworks and Tailings Facilities

Worsley Alumina Raising Bauxite Residue Disposal Areas

WBHO-I is delivering construction services on South32’s bauxite mining and alumina refinery operations in WA. The programmed raising of selected BRDAs have been planned to meet the requirements of the BRDA mud deposition plan, to allow mud deposition to continue as planned by the company. The principal component of WBHO-I’s works involves continuous lifts across their embankments, with the type of raise varying from upstream raise, downstream raise or centreline raise determined by client.

Project Information
  • Client
    South 32
  • Sector
  • Value
  • Location
    Worsley, Western Australia
  • Contract Model
  • Completion Date

Prior and post the embankment construction, WBHO-I also undertook the decommissioning of pipework and valves, cleaning of the pipes and valves, recommissioning of the pipework and valves, placement of a 200mm thick wearing course on the finished embankment raise, installation of all closed liquor pipework, raises on all decant structures, construction of toe drains and the mulching of the batters.

As part of the contract, WBHO-I have also been tasked with road maintenance, stockpile management, maintenance of site drains, construction of pads and site-wide infrastructure upgrades.
